ISBN: 978-0-6456947-6-5
‘Cruising for a Bruising’ is a camp love letter to the Australian Suburbs. Growing up queer in outer-metropolitan Naarm (Melbourne), Kyle Archie Knight found themselves drawn to explore the streets of their family neighbourhood. Their search for moments that capture the essence of suburbia results in a celebration of the surreal and the mundane, the humorous and the humdrum. Knight delves into family archives and reconnects with past memories of estrangement, finding humour and delight in what was once alienating and suffocating.
Kyle Archie Knight: Cruising for a Bruising
Published by M.33, Melbourne, 2023
Edit: Helen Frajman
Book design: Lachlan Siu
Essay: Ray Cook
270 x 240mm
Soft cover
Edition: 150
$54.55 (& gst in Australia)
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