DAVID WADELTON ISBN: 978-0-6482588-3-4 From 2010 -2016 David Wadelton drove all around Melbourne photographing and accumulating suburban typologies. He used the virtually obsolete medium of black and white film to capture fading institutions such as milk bars and newsagents. In the course of these travels, his attention sometimes strayed from his primary focus to unforeseen views. Gradually, and without any plan, a collection began to form. With tongue-in-cheek, he named it Greater Melbourne, after the street directory that was in every car before the advent of GPS devices. David Wadelton:…. → More details
WENDY CATLING ISBN: 978-0-6482588-5-8 ‘Nightshade’ is a restrained and poetic exploration of a particularly difficult and confronting subject – domestic violence and coercive control. Wendy Catling examines her mother’s experiences during her 20-year relationship with Catling’s father. The publication which traverses the many addresses lived at by the artist and her parents and uses a mixture of archival and contemporary imagery interspersed with brief snatches of memories related by Catling’s mother, has been sensitively designed by Kim Mumm Hansen to form a darkly moving and compelling personal narrative with universal…. → More details